
Monday, 29 June 2020

Poetry = No. 2

Rising up from my sleep,

I can hear my phone go beep.

Floorboards creaking,

Running through the corridor.

Footsteps louder than mine,

Birds chirping from outside.

I feel the sun’s warmth,

Coming from the East and not the North.

Tree leaves resting against the wind,

Sea waves crashing against each other.

Today and tomorrow will be perfect,

In the trees I can find insects.

The End:)

Poetry No. 1


Black People being blamed, 
White people throwing them flames.
Donald Trump sitting in his chair, 
white people giving them stares.

White or black, 
I really don’t care, 
God says we all should be fair.
Accepting people should be our goal,
George Floyd had a good soul.

Murdering someone is a sin,
Our bullies shall not win.
“I can’t breathe” is what he said,
Poor George laying in his deathbed.

As he took his last breath,
Who now will be put to death?
Black Lives Matter,
Black people’s hearts shatter.

Saturday, 27 June 2020

Yin & Yang

Today I was doing a research thing about Yin and Yang. I was researching this for fun but I got really more interested about Yin and Yang, a.k.a: Order & Chaos.

In ancient Chinese philosophy, Yin &Yang is concept of dualism, describing how seemingly opposite or contrary forces it may actually be.

These are some things I know about Yin & Yang (Chaos & Order).
Hope you enjoyed my blog post about Order & Chaos.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

The benefits of making a Winter garden

PEEL Acronym

P = Point

E = Evidence

E = Explanation

L = Link

The benefits of making a Winter Garden

P = Point

Planting a Winter garden will be much, much helpful during Winter. You can actually plant vegetables during the winter season and save money.

E = Evidence

You can plant vegetables that are from these families; Brassicas, Leafy greens, Alliums Celery and Broad Beans. The ends of a vegetable can be reused to grow into a new and fresh vegetable.

E = Explanation

To plant a winter vegetable you need vegetable mix, pea straw mulch, vegetable fertilizer and your selection of seedling or seed. To give your plant a boost you use liquid fertilizer for vegetables.

L = Link

During the winter season the foods from the supermarkets can be very expensive and really stressful. Making the winter garden will help with a lot of things like: Save money and grow fresh vegetables, it will also save money for the bills during the cold winter days.


Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Winter Garden

Today Tuhi Mai started planting our Winter Garden.
We first planted our separate veggies in a tray. Before we poured the soil we made sure that their we holes in the tray. We poured in the soil and then flatten it with our hands.

Next we pored water on top of the soil so the soil can go down then after that we poked medium holes to put in the veggies. Placing in the veggies were so fun, but really messy. When we placed the vegetables inside the tray we made sure they weren't really close to each other.

We then left the tray to settle down. Mrs. Tofa sent Ali-Jon, Viliami Ma'asi, Tupou, Lesieli, Kue'a, Mason, Ezekiel and I to plant some vegetables in the school's garden. 

We first planted Broccoli, then we planted some carrots and then finally we planted cabbage. We had fun planting the vegetables. Lesieli took some photos and videos while we were planting. The only challenging thing was running to refill our water containers.

We finished up and cleaned our hands before we went back to class.

It was really fun planting our veggies and Tuhi Mai experienced a lot.

Down below is photos we took while planting our Winter Garden.

Guiding Poster

Have fun trying to make one of your own:)

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Trip to Te Oro

Today Room 7 & a half of Room 9 went to Te Oro for a trip. We arrive with a very warm welcome. Along the way we met Whaea Lona and she gave us instruction.

First instruction was to take our shoes off. After we did that Mrs. Tofa put all of us into groups, then Whaea Lona told all female to come to the front of the lines.

When we did all of that, we walked into a room with special hosts awaiting. We all sat in silence while waiting for the hosts to speak up. It all started with a karakia. After the karakia each and every one of the hosts were introducing their selves in Maori and English and then the activity they were going to do with us. Some of the hosts had a partner to work with and some didn't.

After that one of the hosts came in and talked all about the carved whakairo and what it was made out of. The man said that the whakairo can be made out of the Kauri tree. He then showed us some plants and came across the Manuka plant and Harakeke. It was so fun to see those plants growing.

After all that Whaea Lona split us into groups and then let Mrs. Tofa split the rest of the class. My group and I were in the drawing section and we mostly talked about Matariki. In the drawing section we had to fold a piece of paper into four squares. One of our teachers we teaching us how to draw some Maori designs on a piece of paper with four sides on it.

On each four pieces we drew a Maori design and named it. No. 1 was Koru, No. 2 was Pikopiko, No. 3 was Mangopare and No. 4 was Niho. It was very difficult to draw it but I got through.

Drawing it was so fun. Whaea Kelly took us out and talked to us about a few things like Guardians and more. Then she talked to us about how the rocks, that we put in front of us, has a heartbeat inside of it. She also said that she got her rock when she was six years old. So then she talked to us more about the rocks.

When we were finished she took us back inside and then we found painting pallets and brushes already set on the table aside with a cup of water. Our teacher told us that we will be only using different types of blue colored paint because of the ocean / Moana. We started painting and I painted the sea and its waves. Most of the group were doing some sort of gradients on their rocks and it got quite messy with the paints on our hands.

When we were finished with painting the rocks we went outside and sang the Matariki song along with the Macarena dance. Turns out that are actually 9 stars in the Matariki. Once we sang and practiced the dance we all came inside and gathered altogether and sat in the middle. We stood up and sang the Matariki song and danced to as well. We went from normal to fast then to speed. We finished the song and dance then it was time for the speakers from each group to present what they knew from what their teachers have taught them.

Once everyone spoke, we went straight onto another karakia. After the karakia Viliami Ma'asi spoke on our behalf and thanked them. After the thank you we sang our song led by Kalo.

We had so much fun today at Te Oro.

Down below are a few photos from my group.


Monday, 22 June 2020

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Maths DLO

Today Taha had a group discussion with Mrs. Tofa. The problem we solved was a bit tricky at first but then we got there. Mrs. Tofa split us into groups and in my group there was Eden and Viliami Ma'asi
The question was; Malakai's mother is making ta'ovala for all the boys in the Tongan group at school. Each boy needs 1 1/2 meters of mat and she has 30 meters of mat. How many ta'ovala does she make?

Down below is what my group and I solved.
First we add 1 1/2 with another 1 1/2 which equals to 3 meters.
So we times the 3 meters by 10 and got 30 meters.
So then we counted how many 1 1/2 we added altogether and got 20.
So then that is how much ta'ovala Malakai's mother made and also how many boys that are in the Tongan group.

Here is what Richie came up with

Solving this was really fun.

Winter Garden

Today my writing & reading group discussed, with Mrs. Tofa, about Winter Gardens. We learnt that we can actually plant vegetables during the winter. To plant a winter vegetable we can use the ends of a vegetable and let that settle down and grow. There are many vegetables we can use to make a winter garden. We also discussed the tools we will use to make this winter garden and the props we will need. We read many different articles about Winter gardens and found some facts about growing them. Planting a winter garden sounds so much fun. We can actually save money instead of going to the super market and buying more vegetables and then keep doing the routine again and again.

Here a link to an article we red

Group Reflection

Today Tuhi Mai had a group discussion with Mrs. Tofa about the benefits of planting a vegetable garden during Winter. We also learnt you can still grow the ends of an vegetable for during winter. You can grow many vegetables during winter. You can use ice-cream containers to grow our winter garden. We planed about the tools we will use and other uses to make our winter garden. We read articles about winter gardens and tips about the winter garden. We also watched videos based on winter gardens. Now we can grow more vegetables and save up more money.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Bounce Back

Here is my Bounce Back presentation that I worked on with Bianca.
Hope you enjoy.

Friday, 12 June 2020

George Floyd

Reading different type of articles about George Floyd made me really upset. George Perry Floyd Jr was a African-American man,  whose life was taken by a Police officer in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020. His death spread quickly across the US and internationally. George had laid in peace in Houston, his family members and friends remember the man who spawned a moment. 

The reality of his 46 years on Earth was much fuller and more complicated. George was a man which everyone wanted to follow. His death was tragedy. God bless his family and friends. We need to stop racism right now. What is wrong with having a different skin tone. God created us without a clone so we should all be thankful for who we are. 

It is alright to be short or tall, it is alright to be skinny or fat, it is alright to be white or black and it is alright to be poor or rich. What matters most is if you have a heart full or pure kindness and love not hatred and meanness. People with a heart full of pure hatred is why George Floyd passed on. Racism is really bad. Murdering someone without a reason is a sin. The police officer who killed George Floyd got what was coming for him, KARMA. 

Why would someone do this I wonder? Well, they do this because they look forward to having people that will be like them and look like them. Rest in peace George Perry Floyd Jr. I hope God will guide you through safety while you rest in peace. I feel really sorry for him, his family and his friends. His family and friends just lost someone special. So we really need to stop racism.Respect people for who they are. Once again R.I.P George Floyd.

Here is an article I read about George Floyd
George Floyd
Artist Akse works on a mural of George Floyd who died in police custody in Minneapolis [Phil Noble/Reuters]

Fractions Taha - Maths

Here is a problem I worked n with Bianca. The strategy we used was a bit hard to get but the we found our way there.
If you'd like you can also try use the strategy for a problem like this.

Here is a video clip we watched.
Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Friday, 5 June 2020

Pick a Path Quiz

Mrs. Tofa taught Room 7 how to edit our slides and turn it into a quiz. We had lots of fun experiences with it. Well, this is mine. Thank you Mrs. Tofa.

Hope you enjoy

DLO about Fractions - Math


Wednesday, 3 June 2020


Today I learnt so much about fractions. Thank you Mrs. Tofa for teaching me a lot of fractions and other parts of a fraction. 

Tuesday, 2 June 2020


Here is a video about New Zealand Native Plant Kawakawa