
Friday, 25 September 2020

Tech - Miss. Ferguson

 Today was the last day of the term. YAY! Also it was the last day of tech. Sadly we never used the Mbots today but we did use drones. It was pretty cool. Pinomi was the first to control the drone then on to Victoria.F. It was really fun controlling the drones. We did races and flips with the drones.

On behalf of the year 7s, and myself I would like to thank you Mr. Dunn, G and Miss. Feguson for letting us Year 7s use and control the drones.


Thursday, 24 September 2020

House Games

 Today Glenbrae held a house games for the students as it is almost the last day of the term. We had a lot of fun. The houses were separated into 2 groups.

Ko1 / Ko2 - R1 / R2 - K1 / K2 - N1 / N2

I was in Ko1. We first went to Capture the flag held by Ms. Kyee then to Foot Sole held by Mrs. Ripata.

After that we went to Robbing the nest held by Mr. Nath then straight to Netball tag held by Mrs. Tofa.

We had so much fun.

Kowhai came second and Nikau came 1st

Congrats to Nikau and good game to the other houses


Class Presentations

 Today Room 7 presented their arguments in front of the class. Each went, one by one. Kalo then to Stan then the rest after that. Tuhi Atu's argument was about how social media is a bad influence for all ages. Tusitala - Glenbrae students should wear what they want to school. Tuhi Mai - Should online learning be made compulsory and finally the last groups title was about Should kids do their chores.

When it came to me to present I felt nervous and shy. It was like I had anxiety or butterflies in my stomach.



Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Cross country - School

 Today Glenbrae seniors did cross country around half of the Leybourn Circle in Glen Innes. We went from year 7, 8, then Room 9's year then finally the year 4s. We ran across the school field then to a near alley way then the streets and pass Richie's house and finally back to school. It was hard but we still made it. This was Mr. Naths idea so it was a good exercise. We came back huffing and puffing. Mrs. Tofa gave Room 7 a little speech. Mrs. Tofa "It's not about racing your friends. It's about racing yourself"

Good advice Mrs. Tofa.

R.I.P my legs😭


Volume & Capacity

This is my math work: Volume & Capacity


Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Mrs. Ripata & Mr. Nath - Interview


This is my interview of Mrs. Ripata & Mr. Nath.

Bailey & Taika - Interview


This is my interview of Room 9, Bailey & Taika. This interview is the same as Pitara and Key's interview.

This is an article Tuhi Mai red.

Insight - Should NZ ban mobile phones from schools?

Pitara & Key - Interview


This is Key and Pitara's interview. Our interview was about "Should NZ ban mobile phones from schools?"

Monday, 21 September 2020



This the guts and villi. Also our answer to Why farting is good for your body?

Bye and Be safe;)


 :You and your class got shrunk. What are you gonna do now?

It started where Richie brang a shrinking machine for a class science fair. Clumsy Kue’ a tripped on Richie’s project, she fell on the shrinking machine. Everyone gathered around her and PEW, PEW, PEW. The class was getting smaller, smaller, and smaller, while their surroundings were getting bigger, bigger, and BIGGER. “Help, help!” They shouted but sadly no one could hear them. Minutes later Mrs. Patia walked in and AHHHH!!, Mrs. Patia almost squashed them with her Big, BIG, feet. Man, were they gonna die an unhappy death? BAM!, they hear big footsteps walking towards them. With a big magnifier, Mrs. Ripata looked down through the magnifying glass. Mrs. Ripata’s eye looked very huge. Mrs. Tofa was worried they’d stay like this forever. Mrs. Ripata looked at the shrinking machine, picked it up, flicked it to the green switch, and WAZAM. Room 7 was back to normal. YAY, they cheered and well Kue’ a had to apologize to Richie for the falling on the project part. Mrs. Tofa stopped worrying about staying small forever. No hair falling from stress anymore, Woohoo. Bye, Bye science fair. But before you go Richie:”Muwahahahahahahahaha” Ezekiel:” Rich, you coming?” ”Yeah just a minute” he yelled Pitara’s pov: ‘Why is he laughing? Is he a bad guy?’ “Fire, FIRE, FIRE!” the school screamed of fear. What do you think will happen next? Did Richie start the fire? Is he that bad? School burnt down and the city is at war. Mothers crying, Kids hiding, Fathers fighting. How did this happen? Shrunk class to war. And if he can do this then he can end the world.

Ooooh Richie is in TROUBLE

  • Maria

I know this is bad. TeeHee.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Ta'afuli Andrew Fiu - Purple Heart

 Yesterday Room 7 met the author of their novel.

Our special guest was the author of Purple Heart, Ta'afuli Andrew Fiu. Andrew came to our class and talked to us about how he wrote the book and more about his life that wasn't in the book. I really enjoyed meeting him. We learnt a lot about his life and the most hilarious things that happened to him.

We asked him questions about the book. In the end of our session with him, Viliami T said a thank you speech on Room 7's behalf and Richie gave him a poster and a nucleus necklace Richie's mum made for him.

Thank you Andrew for coming to our class and talking with us, it was an opportunity to meet you in person.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Covid - 19 = PB4L

 Today Room 7 had a class PB4L discussion about how to stay safe during this dangerous virus.

- Wash your hands.

- If your sick, stay home.

- Don't share food with your friends.

We were reading the cases and deaths of America, New Zealand and Australia. They were a lot of cases and deaths in Australia and America. The recoveries were the best thing to hear.

If you have covid and you know it, don't go around spreading because this dangerous.


Volume & Capacity


1. ML. KL. L
2. 1000. 1000
3. 1.500 ml
4. 5
5. Bath tub
6. True
7. Spa pool
8. 12
9. 40
10. Rugby field

Volume & Capacity


  • The amount of space it occupies


  • The amount of space it can be filled

Area = L x W (2) Squared

Volume = (3) Cubed

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Must Do List

 This is my "Must Do List" for young kids who have mobile phones.

Be Cybersmart.


Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Monday, 7 September 2020

Friday, 4 September 2020

Collage Art

                                                                    This is my Collage Art