
Tuesday, 30 March 2021


(Click on the poster)

For English we have to do a mini poster on a character from the Jungle Book:)

I chose Bagheera, the panther.


Panther:) Here is my task 1 English work

Animals Kingdom Classification

(Click on the Poster)

In Room 7 we are doing Project Base Learning. Here is my science work:)

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Proud To Be Brown

                                 ...Proud to be Brown...

I am Proud to be Brown like the table which my family eats upon.

I am Proud to be Brown like the bark on the tree which my siblings climb on.

I am Proud to be Brown like the soil my nana plants flowers and veggies with.

I am Proud to be Brown like the mud which my friends and family play upon.

I don’t listen to the stereotypes of brown people.

Because they say we are evil.

I may look different from the rest

But that's how I'm addressed.

People define me as a brown girl with no future.

I come with peace. I'm no abuser.

Im Proud to be Brown because I learn how to be grateful.

Just because I’m brown doesn’t mean I’m not faithful.

If I graduate college, I’ll be the first in my family.

Being racist against my race isn’t very manly.

I’m a simple human being that’s brown.

And there’s no way I’m going to change that:)

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Pasifika Migration:) Q & A

 Response Activity: Pasifika Migration

  1. When did Pasifika first come to NZ?

20 May, 1870

  1. Which islands did the first Pasifika people migrate to?

Between 110 and 800 BCE these voyagers spread to Fiji and West Polynesia, including Tonga and Samoa.

  1. How did they travel to NZ?

By Waka, or Canoe

  1. What were the reasons why NZ wanted Pasifika people to migrate to NZ?

After the Second World War, close links, job opportunities and population pressure on some islands led many Pacific people to migrate to New Zealand.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Monday, 8 March 2021

Taha - Measurements

 Today Taha is learning about Measurements. Me and Pitara worked together on this:)

Netbook screen:

16 little sticks


Pitara - 2/2 cord wires

Maria - 2 cord wires


52.96 books

Netball Court:

L = 170 steps

W = 78 steps

= 248 steps

For the netball court we counted a certain amount of numbers and marked it with our shoes.  We counted one side of the Width and got 78 and instead of counting the other side of the netball court we timed by 2 and got 156  We then counted the Length of the netball court and got 170, we did the same strategy with the width. Times it by 2 and we got 340 steps. After that we added our answers together and got 496 steps together:)

School Field:

L = 772 steps

W = 560 steps

= 1332 steps

For the field we counted a certain amount of numbers and marked it with our shoes.  We counted one side of the Width and got 280 and instead of counting the other side of the field we timed by 2 and got 560. We then counted the Length of the field and got 386, we did the same strategy with the width. Times it by 2 and we got 772 steps. After that we added our answers together and got 1332 steps together:)

Friday, 5 March 2021

The first settlers who came to New Zealand


Back then the first settlement to come to New Zealand was the Maori. Then after that the Europeans arrived. The first European was Abel Tasman in 1642. Following that was James Cook and the JFM de Surville in 1769. Once more Europeans came and settled in New Zealand more and more people came.


During the mid-1960’s, people began to come to New Zealand from Tonga, Samoa, the Cook Islands and other Pacifica islands, attracted by work opportunities.The others had Maori, Pacific Island or Asian ancestors.  This all began after the 2nd World War.


The British people were motivated by the desire to forestall the New Zealand company and other European powers to facilitate settlement by British subjects and to end the lawlessness of Europeans.


They migrated deliberately, in different canoes, first arriving in New Zealand in the late 10th century. Maori are the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand, they settled here over 700 years ago. New Zealand has a shorter human history than any other country.

In Room 7, we are learning how to use the PEEL acronym in our writing. Each writing group has a title. 

P - Point

E - Evidence

E - Explanation/Example

L - Link

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Maori - Reading 2021

We compared our texts together:)

     First Contact:                              Charles Darwin:

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Family Tree

Here is a screencastify of my family tree

Mum: Red              Dad: Green


Here is a poster of my family tree

Dads side: down below

Manaaki Whenua, Manaaki Tanga, Haere Whakamua. Care for the land, care for the people, Go foward.

Taha Math Problem

300 x 172

100 x 300 = 30000

70 x 300 = 21000

2 x 300 = 600

30000 + 21000 = 51000

51000 + 600 = 51600ml of water  


1 jug = 2L

5 jugs = 10L

25 jugs = 50L

1 jug = 1.6L

26 jugs

Monday, 1 March 2021

Emoji Math:

 In Room 7, we had to make up our own emoji math like we did last year. Here is mine:)

Hope you enjoy:)

First Contact: Q & A:)

 First Contact: Q&A

What are the main ideas you have collected from this text?

  • By the first Europeans arrived, Maori had settled the land, every corner of which came within the interest and influence of a tribal or sub-tribal grouping.

  • James Cook arrived in Poverty Bay in October 1769

  • Abel Tasman was the first European explorer to reach New Zealand in December 1642 

What year did the Maori first settle in NZ?

By the time the Europeans arrived.

When did the Pakeha first arrive in NZ?

19th century.

What was the purpose of the Pakeha coming to NZ?

The British Government wanted to ask the different iwi if they would agree to Britain making the laws about behavior for New Zealand.

What questions do you have about this text?

  • How did the Maoris feel about all of this?

  • Were there any dangerous risks they had to take?

  • How did their country feel about everything that was happening?

What words did you come across where you had to do extra searching for its meaning?


Tuhi Mai - Reading 2021

In this slide presents my screencastify on a video clip about He Whenua Rangatira * A Maori Land *.