
Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Peacock of India

Meaning of the Indian Flag

Famous Indian People

In this presentation, I had to do some research on a bunch of Indian people stating what they're famous for. Hope you've learnt something about these powerful people.

Friday, 19 November 2021

Monday, 8 November 2021

Maori Leaders

I had to do a mini biography about Maori Leaders including; Hone Heke, Tamati Waka Nene, Hongi Hika and Hariata Rongo. Hope you've learnt something from this presentation :D

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Science Q&A - Native Plants

I had to answer some questions to help me get started with my task: Create a Presentation. Hope you've learnt something from reading this :D

Monday, 1 November 2021

Pompallier House

 I had to write a short speech about the Pompallier House in Russel :D Hope you learnt something new today!!

Pompallier | NZHistory, New Zealand history online

Kemp House in Kerikeri

 I had to write a short speech about the Kemp house in Kerikeri. :D Hope you learnt something new today

Kerikeri Mission House – Northland places – Te Ara Encyclopedia of New  Zealand

Stone Store in Kerikeri

I had to write a short speech about the Stone Store in Kerikeri. :D hope you learnt something

Kerikeri Mission Station | Northland | Places to Visit | Places | Heritage  New Zealand

Task 1 - Literacy



Friday, 29 October 2021

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

The Treaty of Waitangi is an agreement between the British Crown and Maori Chiefs. The treaty promises to protect the Maori culture and to enable the Maori to live in New Zealand as Maori. This treaty was signed in 1840. The treaty was created to call a truce. 

The treaty established a British Governor of New Zealand, considering the Maori having ownership of their lands and other properties, and giving Maori the rights of British subjects.

The Treaty of Waitangi is a treaty that was signed on 6 February, 1840, by representatives of the British Crown and the Maori Chiefs of the Northern Islands of New Zealand. More then 40 chiefs signed the treaty with the British Crown in the Bay of Islands. The Treaty of Waitangi remains controversial. 

Colonists believed that the Treaty of Waitangi was fair because it offered Maori the rights of British citizens. The signing of the treaty made it easier for settlers to acquire land. The Treaty of Waitangi is New Zealand’s founding document.

The purpose of the treaty was to allow British citizens and Maori settlers to live together in New Zealand under a set of laws and agreements. Taria Ngakuti was one of the chiefs that refused to sign the treaty. It took 4 months to collect over 500 signatures. Hobson declared British sovereignty over Aotearoa on 21 May 1840.

If the treaty hadn’t been signed, Hobson would’ve arrived back to Britain empty handed and Maori would have left Waitangi. But luckily they had a heart and all agreed to sign, well most of them. The treaty protects the Maori culture from the Pakeha taking control over their land.

: We had to write an explanation writing about Te Tiriti o Waintangi, Our goal was to write over 250 words, my max was 276 :

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Lockdown Update

During this lockdown, I've been feeling down because I haven't been socializing with my friends. I have been helping my mother with the inside chores and my father with the outside chores. Lockdown has also been a chance for my family to bond and spend more time with each other.

Endangered Species

(Click on The poster)

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Tourist Brochure

For Social Studies, I had to do a Tourist Brochure stating 5 places in NZ that other tourists from other countries can visit. I made my "Tourist Brochure" into a Pick a Path. Hope you enjoy ._.

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Charles Upham

(Click on the poster for full screen)

For Social Studies, I had to pick out an NZ Leader and state why they are a great leader. I picked Charles Upham.

Friday, 3 September 2021

Technology Task 1 & 2

For Technology we had to describe How the Maori people fished prior to the European arrivals and how the commercial fishing is done in New Zealand today. Those are the only tasks for Technology :)

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Treaty of Waitangi

For English, I had to research one historical event that happened in New Zealand. I had to write down how it effected New Zealand and pick photos and videos to back up my answers. Hope you enjoyed the presentation that I've put together.

Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Manuka Honey

For English, I had to answer some question about the Manuka Honey. I put all my answers in a slideshow and also put a video clip about the topic. Hope you enjoy :)

Monday, 30 August 2021

Sir Peter Jackson

For English we had to do a speech about an important place or person in NZ, I picked Sir Peter Jackson.

Monday, 16 August 2021


Today Mrs. Tofa split our small class into three groups of 3 and one group of 2.


Mirama is making an Ei' Katu. 25% of the Ei' Katu has Pink Flower, 1/5 has yellow flowers and 10% has White Flowers. What is the fraction or Percentage of the Ei' Katu is leaves?

Firstly, we had to convert the 1/5 into a percentage. 5 ÷ 100 = 20.

25% + 10% + 20% = 55% - 100% = 45%

45% are the leaves on the Ei' Katu.

Here is my strategy

Refugee Poem

                                           Refugee Poem

I'm an human,

You’re an object.

I can get a job,

You’ll be locked up.

I can get an education,

You don’t have that privilege.

I can have fun,

You’ll be bored.

I can visit places,

You’re in a ‘Detention Center’.

We're alike, we shouldn’t be treated this way. Our comparisons are very uncommon. We are humans and that's what we have in common.

Viewing - Poster

( Click on the poster )

I worked on this task with my bsf: Jasel. We were pleased with the way our paragraph came out.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Snow Planet Trip !!!

 Thump, Thump, Thump

I was rolling down the hill with my inflatable tube. Luckily nobody was watching. I got back up and pushed myself to the top. Once I got there I was wheezing down the slide with my inflatable tube.

Before I get to the point of my recount, the gears were very hard to get on,, at least I think it was. The boots were so heavy that I couldn't walk properly. But I got use to the heavy feeling.

Once I got to the end I got right up and ran to the escalator and it took me to the top and oh boy the snow stairs were very much icy if you take the wrong step. I ran around and had so much fun with the people around me. I even created myself a snow angle.

The building was filled with lots of laughter, chatter and lots of fun. WHOOSH!!, there I go again, sliding down the slope and having a lot of fun. I was wheezing all over the place. The building felt like the inside if a cold freezer. 

I had so much fun there, Thank you Mrs. Patea for organizing this for our year 7's and 8's. Also Thank you to the teachers that took their time to take us there. It was absolutely fun.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Kiwisport with Coach Zayde

For Gymnastics, we did Body Positions, Handstands, and more.

Today's session we explored body positions and developed individual skill through 'Floor Work'.

1. Tuck Sit

2. Motorbike landing

3. Angry/Happy Cat

4. Straddle Sit

5. L Sit

Those are the 5 floor work we had to explore. We had a little game were we had to pass a ball with our feet in Tuck Sit position. Sometime after we had a little round of hand stands. It was very much fun. I felt energized and all boosted up for the day.

How To Build The Best Gymnastics Team Around Simone Biles | FiveThirtyEight

Thursday, 29 July 2021


 Mrs. Tofa split us into 4 groups. Each group was assigned a math problem to solve. It was quite challenging at first but once Mrs. Tofa started giving start ups we then got the hang of it. My groups got a paper with a bunch of fractions, decimals, and percentages.

We had to find which number would look like physically. We used books, water bottles, papers and sticks as our presentations. Each stick would represent a percentage. This was a bit fun and a lot of struggles. Oh man,, it was so challenging. But we got through it.

Example: 300%

1 book = 100% ... 100% + 100%+ 100% = 300%

Visual Math Improves Math Performance - YouCubed

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Viewing & Listening

Task: Explain how each of the three videos relate to the book Refugee. Which character does the video relate to and how?


(Click on the poster)

Task: Explain what a philosophy is. Is there a philosophy or worldview appearing in this book?


(Click on the poster)

Task: Create a mini biography about the author.

We are reading a book called Refugee from Alan Gratz


 We learnt about our feeling and emotions. First game was Emotional Statues. We were paired into two's and one of them has to be the creator. We are given an emotion to share.  We make our statue to act out the emotion that was given to us.

Example: Angry,, We create an angry expression on our statue and wait for Ms. B to take a look.

Few minuets later we sat down and started answering questions about how the game was,, what are emotions and feelings,, and the difference between emotions and feelings. Next game was Don't Play With My Emotion. We're in a group of five and each group is given an emotion. Each group has to act out their emotion with a little skit and each group has to guess their emotion.

The Emotions We Feel May Shape What We See – Association for Psychological  Science – APS

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Health & P.E

Task:  Human beings use all sorts of tools - describe the way your body works to use a tool. (Be sure to understand this task very well and please use the example task in your files to help you).

Steps on how water travels into our homes

By: Jasel & Maria


(Click on the poster)

Question: Describe what the word “acoustics” means and why they can be very important in some types of buildings.

List of Materials

(Click on the Poster)

For Mathematics we had to list down all the materials that are used to build a house.

Tuesday, 6 July 2021


For Mathematics we had to make four 3-d shapes out of any material.

Music Sheet

For PBL we had to use a music sheet and describe what each symbol represents.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021


For Statistics we did a data investigations. :)

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Table Tennis

Table Tennis:

Today we played Table Tennis that was taught to us by our Table Tennis coach. First we learnt cool and new techniques. The boys and girls were split and they had their own tables, 1 table for boys and the other for girls.

The girls were playing beat the champ with our coach while the boys were playing around the world. We were learning how to bounce the ball over the net. After we bounce it over the net we run around the table and into the line, but if we miss then we stay still til' we get the ball over.

After some time of doing that, our coach decided that we'll play til' last to girls standing. Once time went on we finally made it to the last two, Taijah and Uinita. Once we finished it was the boys turn. They did exactly what we did.

As time went on the coach call every one in and call up the two boys and girls. The girl versed each other and the points were 2 to 5. After that the boys versed and the points were 1 to 5. Wow, such an amazing challenge.

We had so much fun! 

Culture Questions / PBL Social Studies

For Social Studies, we had to answer each question that were given to us.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Friday, 28 May 2021

Te Reo

Tena Koutou, Today Pitara and I were working on our Te Reo language. Here a video clip of us trying to speak Te Reo.

Monday, 24 May 2021

How houses are designed and built

: Constructing is a classical human activity. It began with the sole function needed for a controlled environment to permit the effects of climate. Constructed shelters were one, means by which human beings were able to adapt themselves to a wide variety of climates :

A building is kind of similar to a house but with lots of stories. A building takes about weeks or months to build, or maybe years. It is built for brands or industries. 

Firstly, the builders draw their designs on blueprints. After some time of designing they go ahead and find a construction site and check if it's an architectural area. The builders then buy/rent the land from the landlord and then start buying their equipment to start building.

After some time of getting their equipment, they measure their poles and wood, to see if it's the right size. After they find the right size they start building. After some time of planning they go ahead and make sure that the surface is ready and good to go.

The builder then gets their measured poles and starts placing them into the corners of the house so the house can stand tall and straight. While some of the builders are placing the corner poles, the rest of them get to work and start placing the poles in their places.

Once they finish the pole placing, they go ahead and add the wood. They add the wood to the outside of the house and the inside of the house. Then they start off by placing the outside wood first and then making their way through the house. This usually takes about 4 weeks or less/more but it depends on how big the house is.

While that much of the builders are placing the woods, the rest go ahead and start bringing in the rest of the equipment to make sure that the woods stay standing and not wobbly. After some time of getting some drills, nails etc, the rest of the builders start drilling the woods together so it stays standing.

After drilling, the builder then starts filling the house with their walls and installations. Once they finish placing the installations walls and ceiling they then start painting.

Some time after painting, they go ahead and finish off with a few last touches. Last touches as in, filling in the house with everything a house needs:)

Once they finish building, stuffing and filling the house, they then sell the house to the government to actually sell the house to other people.

Friday, 21 May 2021

Tech / Coding with Microbit

Today Miss. Ferguson taught us all about coding with Microbit. We coded our microbit to play dice, but graphical. Amazing right?

Thursday, 20 May 2021

About me 2021

For cybersmart we had a Ko Wai Au challenge. It really just means to describes ourselves(:

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Three Important Buildings

For Social Studies, one of our tasks was to pick out three of the most important buildings. The buildings I chose was The Louis Vuitton Foundation, The Louvre Museum and The Eiffel Tower(:

Sky Tower Trip

 As we were getting off the bus we stood there in amusement. We went inside and met our guide, Maria and her assistant, Cooper. They were really nice. They then guided us down the escalator and into a little movie room.

After some time of waiting, Maria then played a little movie featuring the Sky Tower and explaining how/when it was built. We all sat there in awe while watching the movie being played. It was really fascinating knowing how the Sky Tower was built. The videos were about How the Sky Tower was built, volcanoes around the Sky Tower and a lot of interesting facts. Did you know that Rangitoto is the youngest volcano of them all? Amazing right?

Later on we headed to level 51. Wow! The view was amazing and we stood there in awe. We stood over the glass and stood there in fear, because we were all scared of heights. I got over the fear of heights and started getting comfortable with the whole “standing over the glass” thingy.

After sometime of watching and walking we sat down for a little lunch break and then headed off to level 60. Level 60 has the best view of them all. I’m still shocked that I’ve been that high up. Everyone leaned on the glass and I was scared as an Elephant. Level 60 has to be the best level of them all.

Sometime after visiting level 60 we headed down to level 45, the Refuge. The Refuge literally has no view but metal everywhere. The Refuge is like a safe room but with lots and lots of space. We then roamed around the Refuge and saw the Dynosphere. The Dynosphere is the little circle thingy on the top, top of the Sky Tower.

After that we then headed to the underground and elevated ourselves to level 51 again. Again the view always finds a way to surprise me. From there we then headed down to the lobby.

We then went outside and back on the bus on our way to school. I really liked going to the Sky Tower. I wish we went back there again:)

Friday, 14 May 2021

Coding with Python

 Python is a coding language.

(Click on the photo)

Here is my code for a flashing heart on a Microbit.

Here is a little video of the microbit running:)

Thursday, 13 May 2021



W.A.L.T: We are learning to create accurate floor plans for building a house. We used to do this. 

Here are my floor plans.



I learnt that from doing this activity is that no matter how old you are, you can do anything:) If I join the building industry, I would like to be a Carpenter:)

Wednesday, 12 May 2021


 (Click on the poster)

Here is my pepeha

Kiwican - Term 2 Week 2

We walked our way down to the hall and in there was Mrs. Mack and Lina, our Kiwican leaders. Mrs. Mack greeted us in Japanese. When we sat down we went straight into a reflection from last week; Theme and Topic.

After our reflections we started off with our energizer, Splash. Splash is exactly like Bang but we say splash instead. After we lost a few players we got down to our last two, Lina and Hayden. Our storyteller was Mason, Special word was Mc Donald's. At the end our winner was Lina.

Sometime later everyone got down into a circle to answer some questions. Our questions were about some scenarios Mrs. Mack told us about. The questions were mostly about honesty:) After we finished answering questions we went into our activity, Animal Farm.

Lina split all of us into 4 groups and gave us an animal. She gave each group a specific animal and the beat went like; Tiger, Tiger, Raw, Raw, Raw! The game went amazingly fun. After some games we sat down for a bit started our G.K.Q.

The game went well until Mrs. Mack brought up all the winners. The question was "How many 10 fit into 1000?" After some time of guessing Arman got the answer correct and we finished from there:)

Theme: Integrity
Topic: Honesty

We had such a blast going to Kiwican, Can't wait for our next session:))

Friday, 7 May 2021

Coding the Microbit

Today for tech, Miss Ferguson has been teaching us about coding the little Microbit. I learnt how to code the Microbit to play Rock, Paper, Scissor with me. The picture down below is how I coded the Microbit.

Tuesday, 4 May 2021


(click on the poster)

For English we had to pick out some words/vocab to find the meanings and understandings of that word.