
Friday, 20 November 2020

Rockets - TC Tech

 Today was fun.

Year 7s were making paper rockets with Mr. Dunn and Miss. Ferguson. We were split into 5 groups. Before we started creating we watched a video from Rocket Lab and Space Ex. They were all fun videos and mostly interesting.

In my group was Pitara, Chase, Ms. Atuahiva and I. I started off with the body of the rocket and Chase created the tip of the rocket and the parachute. Chase and I put all of the pieces together and BAM! we created a masterpiece.

After all the beautiful creations were done, we gave the rockets to Mr. Dunn so he can place the fire proof tissues in and the engine of the rockets. Soon after that we found ourselves outside shooting our rockets high up in the sky. My groups rocket went up the highest. Our hard work payed off well. The name for our rocket was Little Lia.

Thank you Mr. Dunn and Miss. Ferguson. We enjoyed it so much.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Sina and the Eel

 Once upon a time, way back in the days on an island named Savai´i, lived a beautiful young girl named Sina. On the island, Sina befriended and eel. Every evening, under the moonlight, they would swim and talk. He told Sina of how he was once a prince. He grew larger and more demanding over Sina´s love. At this time Sina was frightened by him. So she ran to relatives in a nearby village.

She would make excuses just to get away but that wouldn't keep him away from Sina, sometimes he would follow her or come up to appear at the surface of the water. She eventually told her uncle and cousin. Soon her cousin was sent to kill the eel. He sliced and sliced his head off his body. R.I.P Prince Eel.

Sina cried and with his last breath, he asked Sina to bury his head for remembrance. Soon after, his head will sprout a tree that would bear fruit with refreshing nectar. The eels face will be on the fruit, 2 eyes 1 mouth. Each time Sina drinks from the fruit she would be in fact kissing the eel.

And that's the story of Sina and the Eel.

The End.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Poem - Body Love/Shame

Your are body image bully,

A corrupt cop without a bandage

Who enjoys policing curvy women's bodies.

Your are quick to falsely accuse

Curvy women of being obese

Because they match your description of unhealthy

Who gave you the right

To shame others for their image

Not knowing what they're going through

I´ve witness the way you´ve tease

Full-figured women

With your words,

And attempt to hand-cuffed their self-esteem

You should be convicted

Of body image abuse

Curves are not a crime,

Being full-figured is not a felony,

And self love is not against the law.

Love yourself and be who you are.

Don´t be too quick to judge.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Ready Sets Grow!


Here are two vegetables.
And here are ways to grow them.

Sweetcorn and lettuce.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Arabic discussion with Mrs. Ayub

 Today Mrs. Ayub taught us about her religion. Mrs. Ayub is Kiwi-Paki but she is most with her Paki side.

We learnt a lot of things like; How they pray, Who and what they believe in. (As-Salam-Alaikum).

Learning about her religion was so interesting. They believe in God which they call Allah. 
They also believe in Heaven and Hell.
They have different ways praying.

I also learnt about the Arabic Alphabet. We had a lot of discussions with Mrs. Ayub.
Thank you Mrs. Ayub for teaching us about your religion.

The Posture of Prayer: A Look at How Muslims Pray - International Mission  Board

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Thursday, 15 October 2020

How to be a good friend

 Yesterday, Mrs. Adcock instructed us to write one paragraph on How to be a good friend.

This is my paragraph on How to be a good friend.

Group Reflection

 Today Taha had a math observation with Jo. We were split into 4's. In my group there was; Richie, Key, Gideon and I. 

Our question was 2.75 km + 9.98 km

2.75 km - 0.02 km = 2.73 km

9.98 km + 0.02 km = 10 km

2.73 km + 10 km = 12.73 km

That was our strategy for our math problem. Thank you Jo for coming to our class.

Monday, 12 October 2020

Math: Week 1 Term 4 2020


This is my math for Week 1 Term 4 2020.

Yay we are finally at term 4 to school. Hope everyone had a good holiday.

Friday, 25 September 2020

Tech - Miss. Ferguson

 Today was the last day of the term. YAY! Also it was the last day of tech. Sadly we never used the Mbots today but we did use drones. It was pretty cool. Pinomi was the first to control the drone then on to Victoria.F. It was really fun controlling the drones. We did races and flips with the drones.

On behalf of the year 7s, and myself I would like to thank you Mr. Dunn, G and Miss. Feguson for letting us Year 7s use and control the drones.


Thursday, 24 September 2020

House Games

 Today Glenbrae held a house games for the students as it is almost the last day of the term. We had a lot of fun. The houses were separated into 2 groups.

Ko1 / Ko2 - R1 / R2 - K1 / K2 - N1 / N2

I was in Ko1. We first went to Capture the flag held by Ms. Kyee then to Foot Sole held by Mrs. Ripata.

After that we went to Robbing the nest held by Mr. Nath then straight to Netball tag held by Mrs. Tofa.

We had so much fun.

Kowhai came second and Nikau came 1st

Congrats to Nikau and good game to the other houses


Class Presentations

 Today Room 7 presented their arguments in front of the class. Each went, one by one. Kalo then to Stan then the rest after that. Tuhi Atu's argument was about how social media is a bad influence for all ages. Tusitala - Glenbrae students should wear what they want to school. Tuhi Mai - Should online learning be made compulsory and finally the last groups title was about Should kids do their chores.

When it came to me to present I felt nervous and shy. It was like I had anxiety or butterflies in my stomach.



Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Cross country - School

 Today Glenbrae seniors did cross country around half of the Leybourn Circle in Glen Innes. We went from year 7, 8, then Room 9's year then finally the year 4s. We ran across the school field then to a near alley way then the streets and pass Richie's house and finally back to school. It was hard but we still made it. This was Mr. Naths idea so it was a good exercise. We came back huffing and puffing. Mrs. Tofa gave Room 7 a little speech. Mrs. Tofa "It's not about racing your friends. It's about racing yourself"

Good advice Mrs. Tofa.

R.I.P my legs😭


Volume & Capacity

This is my math work: Volume & Capacity


Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Mrs. Ripata & Mr. Nath - Interview


This is my interview of Mrs. Ripata & Mr. Nath.

Bailey & Taika - Interview


This is my interview of Room 9, Bailey & Taika. This interview is the same as Pitara and Key's interview.

This is an article Tuhi Mai red.

Insight - Should NZ ban mobile phones from schools?

Pitara & Key - Interview


This is Key and Pitara's interview. Our interview was about "Should NZ ban mobile phones from schools?"

Monday, 21 September 2020



This the guts and villi. Also our answer to Why farting is good for your body?

Bye and Be safe;)


 :You and your class got shrunk. What are you gonna do now?

It started where Richie brang a shrinking machine for a class science fair. Clumsy Kue’ a tripped on Richie’s project, she fell on the shrinking machine. Everyone gathered around her and PEW, PEW, PEW. The class was getting smaller, smaller, and smaller, while their surroundings were getting bigger, bigger, and BIGGER. “Help, help!” They shouted but sadly no one could hear them. Minutes later Mrs. Patia walked in and AHHHH!!, Mrs. Patia almost squashed them with her Big, BIG, feet. Man, were they gonna die an unhappy death? BAM!, they hear big footsteps walking towards them. With a big magnifier, Mrs. Ripata looked down through the magnifying glass. Mrs. Ripata’s eye looked very huge. Mrs. Tofa was worried they’d stay like this forever. Mrs. Ripata looked at the shrinking machine, picked it up, flicked it to the green switch, and WAZAM. Room 7 was back to normal. YAY, they cheered and well Kue’ a had to apologize to Richie for the falling on the project part. Mrs. Tofa stopped worrying about staying small forever. No hair falling from stress anymore, Woohoo. Bye, Bye science fair. But before you go Richie:”Muwahahahahahahahaha” Ezekiel:” Rich, you coming?” ”Yeah just a minute” he yelled Pitara’s pov: ‘Why is he laughing? Is he a bad guy?’ “Fire, FIRE, FIRE!” the school screamed of fear. What do you think will happen next? Did Richie start the fire? Is he that bad? School burnt down and the city is at war. Mothers crying, Kids hiding, Fathers fighting. How did this happen? Shrunk class to war. And if he can do this then he can end the world.

Ooooh Richie is in TROUBLE

  • Maria

I know this is bad. TeeHee.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Ta'afuli Andrew Fiu - Purple Heart

 Yesterday Room 7 met the author of their novel.

Our special guest was the author of Purple Heart, Ta'afuli Andrew Fiu. Andrew came to our class and talked to us about how he wrote the book and more about his life that wasn't in the book. I really enjoyed meeting him. We learnt a lot about his life and the most hilarious things that happened to him.

We asked him questions about the book. In the end of our session with him, Viliami T said a thank you speech on Room 7's behalf and Richie gave him a poster and a nucleus necklace Richie's mum made for him.

Thank you Andrew for coming to our class and talking with us, it was an opportunity to meet you in person.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Covid - 19 = PB4L

 Today Room 7 had a class PB4L discussion about how to stay safe during this dangerous virus.

- Wash your hands.

- If your sick, stay home.

- Don't share food with your friends.

We were reading the cases and deaths of America, New Zealand and Australia. They were a lot of cases and deaths in Australia and America. The recoveries were the best thing to hear.

If you have covid and you know it, don't go around spreading because this dangerous.


Volume & Capacity


1. ML. KL. L
2. 1000. 1000
3. 1.500 ml
4. 5
5. Bath tub
6. True
7. Spa pool
8. 12
9. 40
10. Rugby field

Volume & Capacity


  • The amount of space it occupies


  • The amount of space it can be filled

Area = L x W (2) Squared

Volume = (3) Cubed

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Must Do List

 This is my "Must Do List" for young kids who have mobile phones.

Be Cybersmart.


Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Monday, 7 September 2020

Friday, 4 September 2020

Collage Art

                                                                    This is my Collage Art

Friday, 28 August 2020

The chart of our favorites !!

                                                         Click down here to see a bigger size.

Today on our year 7 tech hangout meet we did a few fun stuff. Miss. Ferguson let us play a game called Sokuban. Gideon had the highest level then me second the Soane and finally, Miss. Ferguson.
Our main task was to make this google draw of ME. Here you'll see one of my most favorite things in the world.

!! BYE !!

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Quote for the night

This is the quote for the night.

Wake up and you'll find a whole new day to start over again.

Good night and sweet dreams.


Character Analog


This is my character analog from Badge of Honour.

Badge of Honour


Click on the picture down below.
This is a comic I made for our reading activity.
It was fun doing this.
The book we red was Badge of Honour.


Monday, 24 August 2020

Friday, 21 August 2020



To Pitara.
From Maria.




This is a commenting sheet Room 7 has been working on. Our goal is to comment on blogs, especially our Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu buddies. So far I have finished my commenting.


Thursday, 20 August 2020

Lock down Flowchart

Here is my lock down flowchart


Quote for the day


Be Happy. Live your life and don't look back.


Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Why are cells useful?

  • Cells are the basic building blocks of living things.
  • The human body is composed of trillions of cells.
  • Cells are the basic structures of all living organisms.
  • Cells provide structure for the body.
  • All living things are made up of cells.
  • Cells are made up of proteins and organelles

This is my little list of cells.


Parts of a cell


Here I filled in the gaps of this writing. Blue writing are my answers.
This was a challenge. I got the words from a transcript of a video Room 7 watched.


Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Brainstorm = Cellular Structure


This is my brainstorm for a writing I will be doing. My writing will be about the Cellular Structure.


Down below is my certificate for a math test 

Today I took my math test from the New Zealand math site. I passed the test. I can't wait for tomorrow's test.

Quote for the day


This is the quote for the day.
Be yourself today.


Monday, 17 August 2020


Since Level 3 came, I felt down again. Knowing that people are dying just makes me sad. I just wonder how those families feel when their relatives are dying because of the virus. I just hope all of us make it to 2021. YES 2020 is a bad year for most people. I have a lot of faith for those people who caught the virus. 

Want to know why this happened again? Well let me tell you. People aren't being CAREFUL. Sigh*.

Having to stay home is really fun and all, but staying away from school made me miss my friends so much. Be safe and don't cough out in the open or sneeze out in the open. Cause you don't know what germs will spread. Sneeze and cough in your arm.


Inside Cells

This is my DLO about the Insides of a cell.

Au Revoir ;)

Quote for the day


Here is my quote for the day.

Good Morning SUNSHINE.

Adios Amigos ;)

Sunday, 16 August 2020

The Girl He Never Noticed (2

 Continuing on......

Jade was a normal girl with a normal life. Jade worked for Mrs. Chang, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Monday to Friday as the cashier. Mrs. Chang owned a small coffee shop in Manhattan, New York, where Jade usually gets her family bread and butter.

The job was understaffed so Jade was working all over the place. Waitress, Coffee preparations and more. Mrs. Chang payed Jade enough money so she could feed her family and pay some bills.

Jade found Suzanne and Kurt together in the bathroom unlocked. Kurt threatened Jade to not tell Mrs. Chang or else he would break her bones. Suzanne and Kurt bullied Jade very often. Suzanne would cal Jade names such as 'ugly monkey'. Oh boy, you should see how Suzanne does her make-up.

Jade had a good teacher to teach her how to make coffee an artwork and how to make the best espresso. Jade heard the door opened and slammed against the door frame. She looked back and saw 'him'. Eros. He look vaguely familiar. 'Is he a movie star, model, celebrity?' She wondered.

His dark glasses hid his eyes. He look powerful and extremely rich. Jade grabbed a pen and the order slip pad and wrote down C#1, customer number 1. 

I am 'still' reading this book.

...... TO BE CONTINUED ......

Friday, 14 August 2020

Quote for the night


This is my quote for the night.
I apologize for missing my quote for the days and nights.

Sweet dreams and sleep tight.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

The Girl he never noticed:)

 The Girl he never noticed.

A girl named Jade, was never noticed by handsome young men, but she was noticed by some rude people. Not in "that" way, but in a ugly way. She was the laughing stock to everyone. She wore a black wig, big rimmed eyeglasses. Why though?

On the other hand was Eros, devilishly handsome, extremely rich, and very powerful. But the one thing he is also known for is, being cold hearted. 

His colleagues and enemies have feared him from the beginning. He might be the man women want, but at the same time, NO, he is careless, full of hatred. He has the perfect family, but what else does he want, I mean, he's got money, girls begging for him, a family, company, more. Is there something I'm missing.

I am still currently reading this book. I have a feeling that this book, will be the best one I've ever red.


Quote for the day ;)


!!  This is the quote for the day  !!


Saturday, 8 August 2020

Quote for the night


This is a quote for the night.
Sweet dreams and good night.
Maria was here;)
!!  BYE  !!

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Wednesday, 5 August 2020


This is the quote for the day.

Maria was here:)

!! BYE !!

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Procedural Writing - French Toast

How To Make French Toast.


  • Bowl

  • Pan

  • Whisk

  • Spatula

  • Measuring Spoons/Cups


  • 4 eggs

  • 4 tablespoons of milk

  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 

  • ½ of vanilla essence

  • 1 teaspoon margarine or oil for cooking.

  • 8 slices of bread.


  1. In a bowl, mix together eggs, milk, cinnamon, and vanilla. Margarine or oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat 

  2. Dip bread one piece at a time into the egg mixture. Coat both sides as well

  3. Put bread in a hot pan and cook for 2 to 3 minutes on each side or until golden. You should be able to cook 2 or 3 pieces at a time depending on the size of your pan.

  4. Repeat with remaining slices of bread (add a little more oil if needed between batches) Easy French toast recipe | BBC Good Food

Quote for the day

This is the quote for the day.


Thursday, 30 July 2020

The Big Bang Theory

This is my DLO, SISOMO, slide presentation about the Big Bang Theory.



Here are some problems that I solved.



Quote for the day.

Sorry I missed a day:(


Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Sunday, 26 July 2020


I got really bored so I decided to do some research about the Moon and it's phases.
My favorite phase about the Moon is the Full Moon.

This is a video clip about the phases of the Moon.
It might be slow but it is very interesting.


Friday, 24 July 2020

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Multiplication = Easy

Here are some easy multiplication problems Taha had to solve during independent work.

BYE & have a good day ;)

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Similarities and Differences

Here Bianca and I put together a Diagram of the differences between and Ape a Human. Also the same abilities we both share.

Turns out humans and apes are 90% same, but 10% different.


How to bake Brownies

How To Bake “BROWNIES”

250g Tararua butter
½ cup cocoa
1 ½ cups Chelsea white sugar
4 eggs
1 cup Edmond's Standard grade flour
1 tsp Edmond's baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
Kit Kat bites
Snicker bites
Chocolate blocks

Preheat the oven to 180° C. Line an 18 x 28 cm sponge roll tin with baking paper.

Melt the Tararua butter in a saucepan large enough to mix all ingredients in. Mix in cocoa, remove from heat and stir in Chelsea white sugar.

Add eggs and mix well, then add vanilla essence. Sift in Edmond's Standards grade flour and Edmond's Baking powder and mix to combine. Pour into the prepared tin.

Bake for 25-30 minutes or until brownie springs back when touched lightly.

When baked, cut the brownies into squares.

When done cutting, then decorate with Kit Kat bites, Snicker bites and chocolate blocks.

Then you're left with beautiful delicious brownies:)

!! Enjoy !!
Chocolate Brownie

Fragile Web of Life

Fragile Web Of Life

Bye and have a good day :)

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Nelson Mandela

Mosaic Art

Today Room 7 learnt about Mosaic. Here are the history of mosaics, the material of a mosaic and the process of making an Mosaic.

God Bless you all.

Genomics Lifetime

Here is my timeline table about Genomics

Friday, 17 July 2020


Here are some facts I learnt about wolves. I've been interested in wolves for a long time. I done my research about wolves.

Bye:) !!